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Welcome To the JR. Mad Scientist List of Fun Secret Formulas
Please note : These Formulas DO REQUIRE ADULT SUPERVISION!
These Formulas should only be done with an adult present !

DO NOT EAT !!!Please make sure the kids know not to ingest any of the Fun Formulas below !
Face Paint

Ever get tired of being yourself ?
Then paint on a new face. You can be whatever you want to be with this easy face paint formula.
The ingredients that you'll need are:
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon water
1/2 teaspoon face cream or cold cream
food coloring

The equipment that you'll need:
measuring spoons
small paint brush
small containers with lids

The proceedure.
1-Mix the cornstarch and the cold cream in a plastic container untill they are blended well.
Add the water drop by drop, stirring untill the mixture is creamy. (Note: You may not need all the water, depending on what face cream you used.)

2-Stir in the food coloring one drop at a time untill you get the color you want.
"DONT PUT IN TOO MANY DROPS !" as really strong colors can temporarily stain your skin.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 in different containers for as many colors that you want to make.

3-make sure that you have on some old play clothes incase you get some on you.
Thats it ,your ready to become what ever your imagination desires.

4-Use soap and water to clean your face afterward. Store in tight containers untill your
ready to paint again.


Make colorfull beads to wear or give to friends. Small beads are nice for bracelets and larger ones
for necklaces and pendants.

The ingrediants you'll need are:
1/2 cup salt
3/4 cup flower
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup water

The equipment you'll need:

measuring cups
paints and paintbrush

The proceedure.
1-Mix flower, salt and cornstarch in a bowl. Add the water slowly untill the dough holds a shape.
(Note: You may not need all the water.)

2-knead the dough in the bowl by pushing it away and down from you and folding it over
3-Roll small pieces of dough between your hands to make beads.

4-Poke a toothpick through each bead to make a hole.
Take out the toothpick and let the beads dry. Drying time depends on the size of your beads.
Large beads will need to sit overnight, small beads should dry in a few hours.

5-Paint the beads. when the paint is dry, you can string them together to make jewelry.

Here's a easy slimey goowey bouncing putty.
Kids of all ages like this one.

The ingrediants you'll need are:
1 tablespoon borax
3/4 cup warm water
food coloring
1/2 cup white glue
hand cream or glycerine(Vaseline IntensiveCare works best.)

The equipment you'll need:

measuring cups and spoons
2 resealable plastic bags

The Proceedure:

1-Pour the glue into a plastic bag. Add a drop of food coloring and a tiny squirt of hand cream
or glycerine. DON'T add too much cream or the slime wont hold together !
Close the bag and squeeze the mixture untill all the ingrediants are well mixed.

2-Put the warmwater into the second bag and have an adult add the borax.
Seal the bag and shake to mix.(NOTE: Be sure the bag is closed tightly so the borax and water dont slosh out.)
3-Pour about 2 tablespoons of the borax water into the bag of goo.
Close the bag and mush between your fingers untill it mixes.

4-Pour the rest of the borax water into the bag of goo. Seal the bag and knead untill you have a
solid glob. Now its ready to take out and play with.

5-Drain the excess water surrounding the glob. Wash your hands with soap and water.
Store the putty in the plastic bag after you are finnished playing with it.

This is really neat stuff. you can make your own plastic.

The ingrediants you'll need:
food coloring
1 cup water
1 envelope unflavored gelatin

The equipment you'll need :

1-small sauce pan
small bowl
measuring cups and spoons
craft scissors
5- small plastic lids ( such as tops of yogurt containers or about that size.)

The Proceedure:

1-Put the gelatin in a small bowl. Have an Adult boil the water .
Spoon 3 tablespoons of boiling water into the gelatin. Stir carefully untill all the gelatin is dissolved.

2-Divide the dissolved gelatin evenly among the 5 plastic lids. Add a drop of food coloring
to each lid and stir gently, or let the color sit and see what happens.

3-Leave the lids on the counter for several days, untill the "plastic" is dry and hardened.

4-Pop the plastic from the lids . Let an Adult help you cut the plastic into interesting
shapes and designs.


These make for great gifts. The multicolored layers look partiularly good in clear
glass or plastic bottles and jars. For those with sesitive skin you can leave out the perfume or essential oils.

The ingrediants you'll need are:

Epson salts.
Essential oils or perfume.(Oils can be found in a health food store.)
Food coloring.

The equipment you'll need:

measuring cups.
plastic containers. (1-pound margarine or butter tubs work perfectly.)
clear glass jars or plastic containers withh lids.

The proceedure:

1-For each color you are making , add 1 cup of epsom salts in a plastic container and add a
drop or two of perfume or essential oil. Add food coloring while stirring the salts untill the
desired color is reached.

2-Place a layer of the first color into your clear plastic or glass jar, then add a lyer of the next color,
and so on untill youve filled the jar. Put the lid on the jar and seal tightly until you are ready to add the salts to your next bath.

3-Add 1 to 2 tablespoons to your next bath.

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FUN Formulas and we will add them on
the next time we update.

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