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The material in this site is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for a health care provider's consultation. Please consult your own physician or appropriate health care provider about the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your own symptoms or medical conditions.

Think about this,say you lived in the past,say a hundred and fifty or so years ago and you or a loved one were sick or injured
what would you do ? Chances are you would send for a Doctor or the local Healer
as Doctors were few and far between back then. The medicines that they would have treated you with would have come from where ? A Pharmacy ? Of course not, you would have been treated with Herbs of some sort or another.

The modern drugs of today haven't been around as long as some people may think .
Man has used Herbs since He was first put on this earth to treat his illnesses and injuries. God put them here for that purpose.
I also believe God gave certain people
throughout the ages the gift to know which Herbs to use for what ailment.
I'm sure that some learned the hard way by trial and error, all toward the same purpose. Unfortunately many of those early day healers were accused and prosecuted as witches,
tortured and burned at the stake.
I am not putting down modern medicine in any way. Where would we be without it?
The population of the Earth today would be a whole lot less, I promise you that,
however a large amount of todays drugs still come from plant alkaloids,
purified and or modified usualy in some way. Only a small percentage of modern drugs are completely synthetic. It is my own opinion that the natural Herb with proper dose, works more in harmony
with the body's own healing mechanisms and are less toxic to the system than modern drugs.
I know from my own experience that there are many Herbs that work
toward healing and many that do not, many are very poisonous and should not be
attempted at all. So if you want to try an Herbal remedy of some sort, I recommend that you
become informed about Herbs, read up and study about them, learn of the rich and fascinating history and folklore of Herbs and the many practical uses of Herbs before you try them, at the least you'll be fascinated
and at best you may find a solution to some medical problem for yourself or a loved one.
One more thought to ponder,Why does the Medical Institution in America ridicule the use of Herbs? Could it be because , they can't monopolize and make money on something that you could grow in your own backyard garden ?
Tis a thought huh? One more thing I'd like to precaution you on before you try any Herb Some people are allergic to Herbs, usually these people are allergic
to most green things in the outdoors, but not always so be careful until you know for
sure. You should consult with your Doctor Before you take Herbs, especialy if you are taking prescribed medicine. Like I said ,Modern medicine has its place,no doubt many folks could not live with out it. There are Natural alternatives to modern drugs, some work, some don't, it's an adventure that's up to you to take.

The Links Below Will Help Get You Started on your way.
There are many more resources on the web than these,
so if you don't find what you need with these links,
just crank up the old search engine as there are many more sites out there.
Also there are many books about Herbs on the web and don't forget the local library
Thanks for stopping by and Good luck on your adventure with Herbs
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